A quick top up of gas at the junction of the Alaska Highway(no more pre-pay...Hooray!)The Alaska highway was nicer than I expected as I rolled westward,more traffic of course,mostly r.v.The countryside was Rolly like the foothills of Alberta with an altitude around 2000 ft, and for awhile no mountain was in sight.I had forgotten that I was actually east of the great divide,which I crossed coming out of Dease Lake on Tuesday.After awhile you start to see the mountains looming in the distance and the highway takes a 42 mile dip back into B.C.It was while I was on this stretch that I made a rest stop and found this interesting bit of info below.This is Simpson Peak.

It was just west of here that I had planned on making my stop for the day,so I started checking out a few government campgrounds,but found them hot and dusty with a look of being well used and if I wanted to set up my satellite dishes,there could be a problem with all the tree's.The only good site for that in the first campground I checked, was just taken by some clown that earlier had been nipping at my heels,tailgating me on the highway.....I had gotten tired of him and let him pass...so he took the only spot I would have taken.
It was getting hotter and all the campgrounds were not to my liking,so I figured,instead of making this a 2 day trip to Whitehorse,I'll make it a one and go into an r.v.park and enjoy my first full hookup since setting off on this little trek a month ago.I was able to make good time on this highway and around 3pm,arrived at the Pioneer R.V. Park a few miles east of city centre....The city limits extend out into the boonies.

For those of you who travel with a Star-Choice T.V. system,I found quite a large drop in signal strength here,maybe its my location but I couldn't muster much more than 28 with most stations breaking up,so in the evening when the sun wasn't beating on me,I tried tweaking it and finally got it to 37 and no breakup,but boy! it was soooo touchy.You'll note that my neighbor from Oregon has the datastorm internet dish on his roof as does his neighbor,in fact when I set up mine,I found about 5 other signals,half of them unsecured,so really I guess I didn't have to set mine up.They will probably leave before me anyway,so just as well.